Heard of future 22?
Last year, 1,000 investors challenged over 1,000 selected tech entrepreneurs taking part in Tech Tour Programmes to level up their investment and growth, and it all culminated at Future22 organized by Tech Tour last week.
The online event took place on 23 – 25 March with 195 selected presenting companies and 1000+ Participants. On the last day, 38 companies received the title Award Winner after a series of presentations in front of investors.
The stats
- Over 2,000 companies applied to 20+ different Tech Tour Programmes, including seed, Series A, Series A+ and B
- Some 1000 companies were selected by Committees of active investors to present at one of the programmes. Out of them, 195 presented at Future22 in 38 different sessions
- 38 Top Presenters were selected as the best for each session
- 1300+ investors, startups, corporates, clusters, and advisors registered and an average of 600 people attended each day of Future22
- Over 4000+ meetings, sessions and networking users have participated
- The overall satisfaction rate of 95% and an average of 80% engagement rate during a session
The winners
38 companies proved to be the best of the best, the creme-de-la-creme across 3 sectors – digital, health tech and sustainability. WATTALPS belongs to the list of the Sustainability Award Winners, which you can find here .
Follow the link to find more information on the Tech Tour.